Your gearbox motor frame replacement buyer’s guide
You see inside the clamping sleeve connecting the transaxle with the gearbox Crank the engine at the central bolt so far, that the clamping bolts are accessible Use a 24 mm hexagon socket on the central bolt Here you can crank the engine clockwise or you may counter the gearbox motor frame replacement .This one is loosen I'll crank the engine more, until the next bolt is accessible Go on - go on - go on - stop - a little bit more .And the other bolt did surrender .The clamping sleeve should become movable .Best you remove the bolts completely Apply a pry bar through the service hole to move the sleeve in direction of the gearbox .You see, the axles are separated, that's enough .
Fortunately it has a blind hole, there is no space to counter And the bolt surrender .There isn't much space And it did surrender. The gearbox itself is hanging only on this 2 bolts I'll slacken these bolts also, even they have a much smaller torque .When the access is limited, you'll need the right tools ,You may use a universal gearbox jack Or you have such a nice wagon like me I'll lift the gearbox now a little Just lift it a little Support the transaxle tube by a piece of wood here When lowering the gearbox, the wood is fixed in this position This is the final construction for lowering and lifting the gearbox.
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