Gearbox Motor Conveyor Company Engineers Turn Down the Volume on Conveyor Noise

gearbox motor conveyor company gearbox motor conveyor company

Optional accessories include tapered bushing kits, screw conveyor flanges, screw conveyor drive shafts, belt guards, motor mounts, backstops and more. Screw conveyors are used in a variety of applications where moving bulk material horizontally or vertically is required. Applications where screw conveyors are utilized are: aggregate and cement agriculture, grain, mining, water, wastewater and more. The screw conveyor gearbox mounts on the trough end of a screw conveyor.


Helical gearboxes offer less vibration, wear, noise and tend to have a longer life. Prior to Installation, we need to decide: how will the gearbox be mounted in order to determine the placement of the vent plug and what hardware and accessories will be required for proper mounting. First, we inspect the gearbox for any damage that may have occurred during shipment. Clean the gearbox if needed now and during maintenance.

Do not allow chemicals on the seals as they can cause seals to deteriorate and leak. Our Cast Iron Helical models include a vent plug that may be plastic like this one, or brass like this one. The vent plug is included with our Helical Gearboxes and is attached during shipping. Depending on the gearbox mounting orientation, we may need to move where the vent plug is installed. 

Aluminum Gearbox

In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur eget dui id metus pulvinar suscipit. Quisque vitae ligula laoreet, scelerisque leo quis, facilisis metus. Gearboxes, also known as enclosed gear drives or speed reducers, are mechanical drive components that can control a load at a reduced fixed ratio of the motor speed. The output torque is also increased by the same ratio, while the horsepower remains the same. Typical applications are used with electric motors for reducing the output speed and increasing torque. Gearboxes are used on conveyors, packaging machines, rotary tables and more!

Gearbox Motor Conveyor Company

Worm gearboxes are more commonly used where large gear reductions are required. The design allows the worm to turn the gear, but the gear cannot turn the worm giving a braking or locking style feature. These next two models are both Worm Gearboxes and contain a worm (gear type) on the input shaft, and a mating gear on the output shaft. Worm Gearboxes also change the drive direction by 90 degrees.

Gearbox Motor Conveyor Company

We also offer optional single and double output shafts, output flanges, torque arms, and output covers. Keep in mind, these Aluminum Gearboxes are the lowest cost and the lightest weight, but are not designed to be operated 24/7 under stressful loads. One of the most overlooked selection criteria is frequency of starting and stopping and what loads the gearbox will be controlling. Stopping and starting a gearbox increases stress and wear.

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Industrial gearbox manufacturer in China

As a Industrial gearbox manufacturer in China, We offer the international standard high quality gear speed reducer and reduction gearbox who has the big stock house to guarantee the prompt delivery Depending on the professional industry field solution, excellent industry field achievement and the leading technology application in Hoist&Crane, Sugar&Paper, Coal&Mining, Rubber&Plastic, Packing&Conveyors, Energy&Fans&Pumps, Cement&Construction, Sawmills&Wood Mills, Food&Butchering&Pharma, Chemical&Boilers&Ceramic, Recycling&Sewage disposal, Steel&Rolling Mill&Metallurgy, Textile&Ginning&Leather working and so on.